Major-General the Earl of Dundonald (was) a
cavalryman who had built his reputation in South Africa with gallantry,
daring, joviality and modesty. Dundonald's friends had advised him to refuse a
position that had become increasingly unhealthy for its incumbents, but in the
end, despite some clear reservations, he accepted. In London he was coached
about avoiding blunders. Upon reaching Canada, he took command of a defence
system viewed as a necessary evil by the local politicians.
Dundonald's analysis of the situation led him
to suggest a first-line force of 100,000 men, based in reality on a militia
40,000 to 50,000 strong ready to react to any threat to the national
territory. The second line of defence would rest on the shoulders of 100,000
more men who could be rapidly recruited and trained by officers who were
supernumerary in peacetime units; hence the purchase of large training camps
like the one in Petawawa. Dundonald also wanted to rebalance the arms and set
up the necessary support services, reforms he was permitted to implement. It
was he who suggested the regional commands that still exist in the army
despite changes and a 20-year eclipse. Naturally these serious labours came at
a price. Acceptance of his plan would entail initial expenditures of $12 to
$13 million and an annual $5-million investment for upkeep. The outcry in the
press did not stop the minister from implementing some of Dundonald's
proposals while keeping the whole picture from the public. Two of his
recommendations would not be acted on: compulsory service in cadet corps by
all young boys and the enlistment of a surplus of officers and men, a move
that would have doubled militia strength in times of emergency.
Nonetheless, between 1902 and 1904 the militia
underwent a major reorganization that had been begun by Dundonald's
predecessors. These years saw the creation of an Intelligence Service and a
Central Records Office and the construction of arsenals and indoor ranges. A
new Militia Pensions Act supported the Permanent Force, which was receiving
more and more RMC graduates.
Dundonald was the first commander since
Wolseley to arouse the militiaman's enthusiasm. Soon, however, things would
turn sour between the Earl and Frederick Borden. Dundonald had taken up one of
Hutton's habits and was speaking publicly about the militia and its problems.
Even though his 1902 report had not been made public, it had largely been
accepted, whereas the 1903 report was revised by the minister. Dundonald grew
annoyed at delays, especially when it came to creating the central camp, and
at the constant political intrusions into his world.
Dundonald, who cultivated relations with the
Conservative opposition, ended his career, lamentably, over a patronage
matter. In June 1904 he was shocked when the acting minister, Sidney Fisher,
crossed out the name of a Conservative chosen by Dundonald to command a new
regiment in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. The major-general protested
publicly, and on 14 June an order in council dismissed him from his post.
Before leaving the country, he took advantage of the election campaign to get
up on any platform that would have him and deliver stinging attacks on the
outgoing Liberal regime. These goings-on would not hurt Wilfrid Laurier's
team, which was returned to power, but they did bring the public to the
realization that Dundonald had been right on the issue that ended in his
The circumstances surrounding Dundonald's
departure augured well for a reform that had been gathering momentum for
years, one that would replace the General Officer Commanding with the Canadian
minister of militia and defence as the government's principal advisor on
military matters. Borden, who had already set in motion a review of the
Militia Act, now brought it to a vote, and the new system came into effect in
November 1904. An order in council immediately established the Militia Council
(similar to the British Army Council), to include the minister, his deputy
minister and the departmental accountant, along with the chief of the general
staff, the adjutant-general, the quartermaster-general and the master general
of ordnance. Though less powerful than the General Officer Commanding had
been, this Council would in fact be more influential. The minister was its
unchallenged master. He could vet the agenda for discussion and was better
informed about his department's requirements. As for the military members,
they were finally made aware of the minister's problems. The first Chief of
the General Staff, Brigadier-General P.H.N. Lake, was of British origin.
Others of his ilk would follow, but the function would very soon be reserved
for native-born Canadians.