United Nations Advance Mission in CambodiaUnited Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC) was a United Nations observer mission involving Canadians.UN Mandate To supervise the Paris Peace Treaty of 24 Oct 1991 and prepare for the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) to take over from UNAMIC. This mission was established under UN Security Council Resolution 717 in Oct 1991 to assist the Cambodian Parties to facilitate communications between the military headquarters of the four Cambodian Parties in matters relating to the cease-fire and to undertake a mine-awareness training role. Subsequently, this mandate was extended to include training in mine clearance and the initiation of a de-mining program. The mandate for this Mission expired in Mar 1992 with the establishment of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia. Canadian Military Involvement Canada provided up to seven UN Military Observers between Nov 1991 and Feb 1992. Insignia